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    Mauricio Terrones教授獲得2013年度李薰材料科學(xué)講座系列講座獎
    2014-08-19 | 文章來(lái)源:李薰獎辦公室        【 】【打印】【關(guān)閉

    Topic: Controlling Defects and Morphology of Nanotubes and Graphene during Growth: The Role of Dopants

    Speaker: Prof. Mauricio Terrones
             Department of Physics, Department of Chemistry,
             Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Center for 2D Layered Materials. 
    The Pennsylvania State University, USA. & Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan

    Time: 10:30-12:00 AM., (Fri.) May 16, 2014

    Venue: Room 403, Shi Changxu Building, IMR CAS


    In this talk, we will first describe the synthesis of carbon nanotubes and nanotube networks using different dopants during chemical vapor deposition. In particular, we will discuss the effects of sulfur, boron and nitrogen. It will be shown that these dopants are responsible for significant changes in the nanotube morphology and electronic properties. For example, sulfur induces the formation of pentagons and heptagons, whereas boron aids the growth of heptagonal carbon rings, and nitrogen promotes the formation of pentagonal cusps. It will be demonstrated that it is indeed possible to assemble/grow carbon nanotube networks if a careful control of dopants is achieved during chemical vapor deposition (CVD) growth. High resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy (HR-EELS) studies on these nanotube materials will be presented, and the locations of boron, sulfur and nitrogen within nanotubes will also be shown. First principles theoretical calculations on nanotubes containing pentagon, hexagons and heptagons in the presence of these dopants will be discussed. Recent experiments on different doped graphene layers will also be presented. We will discuss the citotoxicity and applications as molecular sensors of these doped nanocarbons.

    The talk will also discuss the synthesis of large-area, high-quality monolayers of nitrogen- and boron-doped graphene sheets on Cu foils using ambient-pressure chemical vapor deposition (AP-CVD). Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS) reveal that the defects in the doped graphene samples arrange in different geometrical configurations exhibiting different electronic properties. Interestingly, these doped layers could be used as efficient molecular sensors and electronic devices. In addition, the synthesis of hybrid carbon materials consisting of sandwich layers of graphene layers and carbon nanotubes have been synthesized by a self assembly route. These films are novel, energetically stable and could well find important applications as field emission sources, catalytic supports, gas adsorption materials and super capacitors.


    1. Lv, R., Li, Q., Botello-Méndez, A.R., Hayashi, T., Wang, B., Berkdemir, A., Hao, Q., Elías, A.L., Cruz-Silva, R., Gutiérrez. H.R., Kim, Y.A., Muramatsu, H., Zhu, J., Endo, M., Terrones, H., Charlier, J.-C., Pan, M. and Terrones, M. (2012) “Nitrogen-doped graphene: beyond single substitution and enhanced molecular sensing”. Nature Scientific Reports 2, 586/ DOI: 10.1038/srep00586.
    2. Terrones, M. (2012) “Controlling the shapes and assemblages of graphene”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109, 7951-7952. /Doi/10.1073/pnas.1205024109.
    3. Terrones, H., Lv, R.T., Terrones, M., Dresselhaus, M.S. (2012) “The role of defects and doping in 2D graphene sheets and 1D nanoribbons. “ Reports on Progress in Physcis 75, 062501 (30pp).
    4. Hashim, D.P., Narayanan, N.T., Romo-Herrera, J.M., Cullen, D.A., Hahm, M.G., Lezzi, P., Suttle, J.R., Kelkhoff, D., Munoz-Sandoval, E., Ganguli, S., Roy, A.K., Smith, D.J., Vajtai, R., Sumpter, B.G., Meunier, V., Terrones, H., Terrones, M., Ajayan, P.M. (2012) “Covalently bonded three-dimensional carbon nanotube solids via boron induced nanojunctions”. Scientific Reports (Nature’s only journal) 2, 363. DOI: 10.1038/srep00363.
    5. Araujo, P.T., Terrones, M., Dresselhaus, M.S. (2012) “Defects and impurities in graphene-like materials”. Materials Today 15, 98-109.
    6. Lv, R.T., Terrones, M. (2012) “Towards new graphene materials: Doped graphene sheets and nanoribbons”. Materials Letters 78, 209-218.



    ·美國賓夕法尼亞州立大學(xué)Mauricio Terrones教授訪(fǎng)問(wèn)金屬所
    聯(lián)系我們 | 友情鏈接
    地址: 沈陽(yáng)市沈河區文化路72號 郵編: 110016
    中國科學(xué)院金屬研究所 版權所有 遼ICP備05005387號-1

