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    Dr. Alan Turnbull OBE FRS FREng獲得李薰講座獎
    2017-11-10 | 文章來(lái)源:外事辦        【 】【打印】【關(guān)閉

      Topic: Characterising the early stages of crack development in environmentally assisted cracking 

      Speaker: Dr. Alan Turnbull OBE FRS FREng 
            National Physical Laboratory, UK 


      A very brief introduction to NPL and the research of the Electrochemistry Group will be presented initially. The main thrust of the presentation will be an overview of corrosion research to characterise the early stages of crack development in environment assisted cracking, focusing particularly on pitting, the pit-to-crack transition, and the measurement of crack growth rate in the small and long crack growth regime. The impact on corrosion and cracking of surface grinding induced changes in near–surface material and mechanical properties is highlighted, noting that awareness of this aspect in the corrosion community still remains limited. A major feature of the presentation is the remarkable insight into the evolution of small cracks from corrosion pits provided by advanced 3D imaging (XRT and FIB-SEM) and supportive finite element analysis. Finally, measurement of corrosion fatigue and stress corrosion small crack growth rate in 12 Cr steam turbine blade steel is presented and discussed in the context of the electrochemical crack size effect. 


    ·李薰獎獲得者Alan Turnbull博士訪(fǎng)問(wèn)金屬所
    聯(lián)系我們 | 友情鏈接
    地址: 沈陽(yáng)市沈河區文化路72號 郵編: 110016
    中國科學(xué)院金屬研究所 版權所有 遼ICP備05005387號-1

